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Common Types of Internal, Intestinal and External Parasites in Dogs

calendar  Feb 12, 2020

Seasons come and go, but parasites continue to haunt dogs all year round. And speaking of parasites, there are plenty of them that cause harm to our beloved four-legged friends. In this blog, we will be looking at the common types of parasites that cause dogs immense difficulties throughout the year. Also, we will look at treatments and preventatives that will help you overcome and/or prevent them from getting close to your furry buddy.

Classification of Dog Parasites

We’ve classified dog parasites into three large segments, namely, internal parasites, intestinal parasites, and external parasites. Read on as we unravel all three of them below, in detail.

Internal Parasites


Perhaps the deadliest of them all, heartworm is caused by a type of parasitic worm known as Dirofilaria immitis. They are spread through just a single mosquito bite and enter into the dog’s bloodstream. Heartworm matures in and around the dog’s heart by growing a foot long and clogging the passage. This then leads to severe heart and lung problems. And since such a parasite is very difficult to cure, vets always advise on keeping your dog on a heartworm preventative schedule. A few heartwormers that will help you keep your dog protected during the peak season have been given below.

Intestinal Parasites


Hookworms are thin and tiny worms that are picked up by dogs by ingesting the larvae from the environment. Puppies too, can fall prey to hookworms and mostly get it through their mother’s milk. Moreover, hookworms can be stopped and prevented by opting for the following treatments.


White, spaghetti-like, and approximately three inches in length, roundworms not only affect dogs but puppies as well. These worms absorb all the nutrients from the food the dog consumes, leaving behind absolutely nothing. Such worms are transmitted by dogs ingesting the eggs or by larvae transmitted during pregnancy or in the milk of a female dog. These worms can be destroyed and prevented by picking any of these wormers.


Flat, ribbon-like parasites are what tapeworms look like. These pests are highly dangerous if not cured as soon as they are spotted. Such worms enter a dog’s body via a host that’s harboring a tapeworm-like egg. In most cases, it is an adult flea. Tapeworms are best prevented when you keep your dog protected from fleas. Besides, some of the best tapeworm treatments going around are given below.


Blood feeding thin whip-like front end and slightly thicker back end parasites that attach themselves to the walls of a dog’s intestine are known as whipworms. Such types of worms are picked up by dogs when the whipworm eggs are transmitted through the stool in the environment. To cure your dogs of whipworms, the following wormers are advised.

External Parasites


Wingless insects that feed on numerous animals including dogs are known as fleas. They scurry around on the dog’s skin, causing excessive itching, scratching, and not to forget, several diseases by a solitary flea bite. Some of the diseases caused by fleas are – tapeworms, anemia, Bartonellosis, flea allergy dermatitis, etc. Fleas can easily be evicted and prevented, provided you get any of the following flea treatments.


Ticks are blood-sucking parasites that cling onto the host’s (animals including dogs) skin, causing immense discomfort and pain. If not treated quickly, it can lead to severe life-threatening diseases, including Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, Babesiosis, Anaplasmosis, Ehrlichiosis, etc. Thus, getting rid of them quickly is essential. Below are a few tick treatments and preventatives that should be given a try.

These are the common parasites that tend to harm dogs throughout the year. Thus, to keep your dog protected throughout the year, make sure you’re opting for the preventatives that have been mentioned above. Keep your canine safe and secure, all year.