Ear mites in a dog are very common and it can be easily detected. You are half way there to remove those ear mites from your dog if you have a little knowledge of how to check ear mites in your dog.
Who likes it when their dogs scratch its ears harshly and harming the ears? There are few easy ways to detect the ear mites. Let’s start with the overview on ear mites.
What Are Ear Mites?
Ear mites are tiny microscopic parasites that live inside your dog’s ear canal. Ear mites are rarely seen with the naked eyes. Ear mites feed off skin wax and skin oil. Adult ear mites live for approximately 2 months but it increases quickly with eggs that will take not more than four days to hatch and extra three weeks to develop into adult mites.
Some Common Symptoms To Detect The Ear Mites In Dogs
- Excessive head shaking
- Excessive itching and scratching of ears
- Strong odor
- A granular debris in ear which looks like ground coffee
Home Test To Detect The Ear Mites In Dogs
Assaid before you are half way there if you are aware of few things about ear mites. Here is the easy way to detect the ear mites in dogs at your home. A question will come to your mind is it possible to do the test at home.
Using the following method you can detect the ear mite in dogs.
- You have to follow the same method of your vet. Take the swab of your dog’s ear. It is obvious that you don’t have a microscope at your place. But you can use the magnifying glass. Yes, magnifying glass works well. Put the swab under the magnifying glass and see through it whether you can see the tiny white specs roaming around the ear debris or not. Don’t forget to put it in the black or dark background as they are white and too small.
- If you don’t have the magnifying glass but you are using smartphone or I-phone or I-pad. You can download a magnifying glass app that works well and give you the proper result.
- The second method goes like this. First, you need to swab your dog’s ear. Collect the debris and put it on the white paper towel. Wet it with hydrogen peroxide. Spread the ear waste or debris. The brown and reddish stain that you will see is ear mites. You will definitely ask why reddish and brown stains are seen. It is nothing but the blood digested by the ear mites.
Important Note: If you are unable to perform the test properly or still in doubt of whether your dog really has ear mites or not then it is suggested to consult your vet. Get your dog checked by your vet.
Treatment of ear mites in dogs
- Few products are there on the market that you can use to remove those ear mites. You can also ask your vet about which product is best for your pooch.
- Your vet may recommend you the anti-inflammatory drug as a treatment.
- The ear cleaning treatments are the best way to save your dog from getting ear mites. A regular cleaning of ears and keeping your dog away from the infected animal will protect him from ear mites.
Fast diagnosis and early treatment can relieve your dog’s discomfort.