Scatt is an effective solution to treat the infection from most common mites like scaly face mites and air sac mites in ornamental birds. These mites affect the birds like budgerigars, finches, canaries and other birds of similar type.
Also called burrowing mites, the scaly face mites feed on keratin and start affecting the birds from around the cere. If not treated, the infestation can spread rapidly into your feathered friend’s body and can lead to severe deformities. In extreme conditions, the infection can be fatal due to starvation. When used regularly, Scatt helps in not just treating infestation from these mites but in controlling re-infestation too.
Moxidectin 1000 µg/mL
For scaly face mites:
For air sac mites:
Repeat the treatment 3-4 times a year for best results.