Fleas are a big problem in every household with pets in the United States. They create nuisance and make life hell for us and our pets. With every flea infestation, it’s a daunting task for us parents to search for a new treatment that would work on our fur kid, is convenient to administer and safe for our fur kid. However, now market is flooded with lots of great options like spot-on, sprays, collars, chews and tablets. It may sound confusing as to which one to choose so, in order to make this easy for you, here are some of our best-recommended flea treatments that have been touted as the top flea protections for dogs this year.
Top Flea Prevention Products
Frontline Plus
This topical flea and tick treatment has been people’s favorite since a decade. Its swift action kills fleas within 12 hours, destroying all the adult forms as well as flea eggs and its larvae in a day. And the waterproof nature of the product keeps it from washing off while the dog swims or bathes. Besides that, Frontline Plus also eliminates ticks thereby preventing the pet from various tick-borne diseases as well. Therefore, Frontline Plus has been one of the most popular choices all these years.
Advantage is another fast acting flea treatment with a unique formulation of Imidacloprid that paralyzes 98% of fleas and kills almost 99% of flea larvae within 12 hours. The long-lasting property of this product prevents and controls recurrence of infestations, thereby protecting pets from this vicious circle of re-infestation.
K9 Advantix
K9 Advantix is again a spot-on treatment for fleas and ticks that stays effective for four weeks. The product kills brown dog ticks, bush ticks and paralysis ticks. Its potent formula also stops fleas from taking blood meal within 5 minutes of administration.
Effipro Spray
Effipro is a fast acting and long lasting solution for fleas. Its insecticidal property kills fleas and ticks within a day. Also, the product is highly efficient in preventing Flea Allergy Dermatitis (FAD). You don’t need to bother about the safety of this product because the formula is quite safe for puppies over 2 days of age. When used every 4 weeks, this fipronil based effipro solution gives comprehensive protection against both fleas and ticks.
Bayopet Flea and Tick Collar
This flea and tick collar is a uniquely designed gadget for dogs that stay outside for longer hours and have greater chances of contracting infestation. Flumethrin and propoxur infused in the matrix of this collar gives long-lasting protection against fleas and ticks. Whenever this collar rubs against the skin of the pet, it gradually releases the components in small amounts which ensure prolonged protection and safety of the pet against the toxins.
Other than these top sellers of 2018, there are other products like Ultrum Flea and tick Powder, Kiltix Collar, Seresto Collar and Frontline Spray that are equally efficacious. It’s completely upto you which product you would like to choose i.e. the one that will suit your pet the most. It also depends on your preference of product as well. Some people are more comfortable using spot-ons rather than chasing their dogs to have the tablets and some prefer the other way out. Flea sprays are also very popular because they are super easy and very handy to eliminate the parasites bogging their pets. These are especially good for people that are super busy or often forget to administer treatments to their pets on time. So you see, it’s completely the pet owners choice how he wants to treat his/her pet. There are myriad options that we aforementioned, but you understand your pet the best so make sure whatever you choose just be consistent in his preventive program and follow the directions mentioned on the label, diligently. Maintaining consistency in his treatments and feeding him well-balanced meals is the way to good health for your pet. Ensure you do so even if you are super busy so your pet stays as lively and affectionate as he is today, forever.